Our Services
Mock Juries
A mock trial provides critical information reflecting how a jury-of-peers will problem-solve a case. Arguments, evidence, and witnesses can be put to the test, and real-time feedback comes quickly and directly from our mock jurors.
The quality of information gathered is only reliable if the demographic makeup of the mock jury closely matches that of the typical jury which might be empaneled in a particular venue. Truscott employs several different recruiting modalities to ensure that the mock jurors are as reflective as possible.

Shadow Juries
The shadow jury takes the information gathering utility of a mock trial and places it in a real-time, real-world trial setting. Our shadow juries are meticulously chosen to represent the demographics of real jurors, and provide on-the-ground data to a trial team.
Trials can be fast-paced and intense, as well as long and drawn out. After recruitment, our team manages the shadow jurors through the process, keeping them assured and informed, and providing trial teams with a reliable resource.

Focus Groups

Surveys, Questionnaires, and Interviews